Rome wasn’t built in a day…or…Change is hard, so take it slow.

I’ve been getting questions lately from my readers about how to actually transition to a real foods diet.  What does it actually look like, and where do you start?  It can sometimes be daunting, and even discouraging.  Different people say some foods are good while others say they’re bad.  There’s the fight between those who say local produce is better than organic produce, and more and more people talking about how our soils are depleted and we aren’t getting as many nutrients from fruits and vegetables as we used to.  Do you have to find a farmer in order to get quality meats?  What if there isn’t one near you?  Or you can’t afford it?  Today, I’d like to talk about some easy, practical steps to take on your health journey, and encourage you that you don’t have to totally revamp your diet overnight in order to reap the benefits.

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What Causes Autoimmunity?

My last post listed some of the more common autoimmune diseases and the three main factors that are thought to contribute to autoimmune disease: genetic predisposition, triggering factors, and a leaky gut.  Today I’d like to talk more in depth about these contributing factors and how they lead to misdirection of the immune system and the development of disease. Continue reading

What is Autoimmunity?

These days, it seems like more and more people are being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases.  Whether its multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or Hashimoto’s disease, these autoimmune conditions are becoming more common.  Why is that?  How are all these seemingly unrelated diseases all occurring with increasing frequency, and what can we do to stop this alarming trend? Continue reading

Avoiding Heart Disease: Nutritional Aspects Part 2

Don’t forget to enter into my health coaching giveaway for the chance to win 6 free coaching sessions tailored to your health needs!

Today we’re finally going to get to the big topic of saturated fats, cholesterol, and the relationship of your lipid panel to your risk for heart disease.  Are you ready? Continue reading

Trim Down and Tone Up: Nutritional Aspects

You can’t make this stuff up people.

Finally, we get to the nutritional aspects!   Some of you have probably been anxiously awaiting this post, others of you may have been dreading it, not wanting someone else to tell you another list of foods you can’t eat.  Since when did nutrition get to be so complicated?  Do you think that people in traditional cultures stress over what they’re going to eat?  Well, they may stress over whether or not they’re going to eat, but they certainly don’t stress which foods to eat.  They eat what’s available to them in nature.  We could learn a lot from this simple approach to nutrition. Continue reading