Soak up the Sun

This week I took a couple days off work to relax, recharge my batteries, and catch up on some things I’d like to do.  I’ve been so busy this year with school, blogging, and now my externship, that I haven’t taken a whole lot of time for myself.  As I was planning what I wanted to do with my time, I tried to remember the last time I actually got outside and enjoyed the sun and the outdoors.  And you know what?  I couldn’t remember. Continue reading

Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Milkshake

I LOVE milkshakes.  Kindof hard for a girl that doesn’t drink dairy anymore.  When my husband and I were dating, one of our favorite things to do would be to go get milkshakes from the drive through and sit in his miata at a tiny little beach that no one ever visited and talk the night away.  It’s actually what we did the night he proposed.  But, since starting on my journey to wellness about a year and a half ago, milkshakes have been few and far between. Continue reading